Valentina Pereda

Valentina Pereda

Valentina Pereda is a documentary filmmaker based between Los Angeles and El Salvador, covering security, migration, and human rights in the Northern Triangle region. She shot and produced a three-part series on Venezuela’s current crisis, covering mass food shortages, state violence, and electoral fraud. Her latest video for The Economist documented the evangelical movement surging in El Salvador’s prisons. Her current projects include pieces on police brutality within El Salvador’s National Civil Police, the disarmament and reintegration of former MS-13 and MS-18 street gang members in San Salvador, and the evolution of Venezuela’s government-funded militias. Prior to moving to El Salvador, Valentina lived in Washington, D.C., where she served as a communications expert on issues related to Central American migration and security, Venezuela, and other Western Hemisphere and U.S. Hispanic issues. She has an international relations degree from George Washington University, where she later returned to study documentary filmmaking.